Saturday, 27 June 2009

Is Michael Jackson Really Dead?

I was shocked and amazed to hear that Michael Jackson had died, it seemed so incredible that someone who is just about to make a comeback would drop dead 2 weeks before the first concert. So I asked myself a couple of questions!

What was Michael Jackson's life really like?

What is the outcome of his death?

And the answers I got made me think of Elvis Presley and his "death". You see, Michael Jackson was clearly a very unhappy and trouble man. Anyone who reads the press about him or reads about the type of life he had cannot help but feel that his life was far from what most people would really want. And in the last few years his emotional problems had become increasingly public.

But it is not just his emotional problems that have hit the headlines, his financial problems have also been well publicised as he spent massive amounts of money on his "Neverland" range and oddball lifestyle; all taking him into massive debt and a clearly unhappy life. No, he did not have a happy life, certainly not one that most people would want. He had money problems, his time was not his own and he lacked simple freedom in his life - the three things that all humans need to some degree in order to feel a minimum of happiness.

So what is the outcome of his death?

Well in recent months there has been a massive upsurge in interest in Michael Jackson because of his massive sell-out comeback concerts in the O2 arena in London. The press has been full of it, radio and TV stations have massively pumped it up, to the point where tickets were being resold for hundreds of times there face value. Expectation was rising, people were talking constantly, sales of his music had gone through the roof. Money was pouring in to his banks and the banks of the promoters and all concerned with the concerts. But was Jacko up to the challenge of the 50 concerts? Could he do it again having been off stage for so long? Or was this just a set-up? Did Michael Jackson really die in his LA home on the 25th of June as we are being told?

If he was doing a massive comeback tour, then it is almost certain that his life has recently been insured for massive amounts of money to cover any losses by the promoters and everyone else involved in the comeback. I am sure Michael Jackson has recently probable increased his own life insurance recently in light of his upcoming tour.

How much money will his estate make in the coming months from the global upsurge in his music sales, the covers of his songs that are bound to be released by other artists and the insurance pay-outs that will happen?

Has Lisa-Marie's ex-husband followed her father? It has long been speculated that her father Elvis Presley did not die as reported but instead sought to start a new life out of the lime-light, could Michael Jackson have done the same?

The recent up-sales in his music, the insurance pay-out, the up-coming sales of his music - future income from turning Neverland into a museum or theme park! It is clear that he will make more money after his death than he has before it.

Is Michael Jackson really dead?


Having a life that has meaning to you, that follows your desires and dreams, is more important than all the fame and money in the world. Life a wonderful life.

Monday, 22 June 2009

5 Secret Keys to Cut Your Adwords Cost By Upto 95%

There are so many people out there claiming to be able to provide you with ways to make money with Google Adwords and PPC advertising, but the simple truth is 98% of all people trying to work from home with online income, fail to even make a single dollar in profit. Most often they end up spending more on their advertising campaigns that they earn as an affiliate. This is because they are often paying as much as 20 times the amount they could for there Google Adwords. Cutting the cost of your advertising is crucial to making a profit with affiliate marketing, so if you want to make a serious online income and work from home, you need to learn these 5 Secret Keys to low cost Google Adwords.

Key 1: Relevance

When you put together an ad on Adwords one of the key factors Google uses to determine the price you will pay for that ad to be places is relevance. If the keywords you have bid on appear in the ad AND if the site they go to seems to be on the same subject. Therefore research which keywords are important for your target market and make sure that you have one ad for each keyword. As an affiliate you may not be able to control the sales page, but you can always create a content rich squeeze page to capture subscriber.

Key 2: Click Through Rate

The Click Through Rate (CTR) of your Adwords Ad is monitored by Google and the amount you pay per click will be determined by the Click Through Rate. Google has determined that the CTR is a key factor in how relevant you ad is to the searcher, so if you get a high click through rate then your Adwords ad cost will go down by as much as 95%! If you find that Google has set your ad as inactive, it could simply be because they see it as not relevant. They will simply tell you to bid more, when in reality all you need to do is reword the ad.

Key 3. Experiment with the unusual

As mentioned in the other keys, Google uses relevance as a significant key to setting the price of your Adwords ad, and you can appear above a more expensive ad if Google sees your ad as more relevant to the audience. It is very common for a simple change in the wording of and ad in some cases one word or switching the order of the lines around can make the Click Through Rate increase 2000%. And as the CTR will very much determine the cost of your Adwords campaign it is worth experimenting with different ads. Look at it this way, if you are paying $0.75 per click for an add, with a CTR of 0.5%, but another add you ran had a CTR of 3.5%, then you have increased your relevance by 700%. Google will see this and will want to keep you high on the page. Therefore you can now start to lower your maximum bid and see what happens to your position in the page. It could be that you can cut your Adwords costs by as much as 50% and still stay at the same level on the page.

Key 4. Bid on lots of keywords

One mistake most new Internet Marketers make is that they bid on a narrow range of keywords, which often happen to be the same keywords that everyone else in that niche is bidding on. In order to make Google Adwords super successful it is important to get those 5 cent clicks. For example: if you are bidding on the key word “Digital Camera” you are competing against possibly hundreds of other marketers and the cost per click will be over $2 a click, but if you bid on “Nikon D90 digital” the cost is just $0.05, a saving of 97.5%! If you want to make real profits with your Google Adwords PPC campaigns then you really need those 5 cent clicks!

Key 5. Profit from the traffic.

So far we have been talking about the getting traffic at the lowest price, and those are vital keys to successful Adwords campaigns. But if you truly want to work from home with a successful Internet Marketing business it is vital that the site you are sending your traffic to is converting those clicks into sales - either directly or by capturing their name and email address and then selling to them later. If you are sending traffic to an affiliate marketing site then it is vital that you monitor the conversion rate of the site, but better still put your own squeeze page up and create your own niche list. So no matter how successful you are at getting cheap clicks you must ensure that the value of the site you are sending them to ensures they become customers.

There are many thousands of people on the internet trying to make an online income that will allow them to work from home, and Google Adwords is for most of them the first and last place they try. It is not unusual for them to work for months or even years without making a single penny of profit. Getting your Adwords campaign right is about the little things, these 5 keys will guide you through the process fast.