Tuesday 29 July 2008

Making a Life

Once upon a time ….

…. I asked myself a question.

A question I did not like the answer to.

When life throws you a bum steer, what can seam like a disaster can end up in a better life. It is all about the decisions you make to take yourself forward.

I went through a very painful divorce and found myself a single parent, with no idea what I was supposed to be doing.

You see, I had done everything I thought a good husband and father was supposed to do, and I thought I had done a good job, but I still ended up divorced raising two kids alone. So I then found myself completely re-evaluating what I was doing and why I was doing it.

I knew I had to change my life to be a better father and to give my children the time they needed. It took me some time to really sort myself out, but in the end I found the way to be able to stay home and be there for my children when they really needed me.

That is what this video is all about.

How I came to the choice of staying home and using the power of the Internet to allow me to provide for my family.

Enjoy the video.

Thursday 24 July 2008

The Daily Grind

So here I am enjoying the wonderful weather, not having to think about work any more. You know, after 21 years with the same company, staying home and not having to work any more is something I am really finding very strange.

It is s different to having to get out of bed in the morning and going to work, now I wake up when I feel like it and do as I please.

The amazing thing is that I am just as busy now as I was before, just now I am working on projects for fun instead of necessity. Several of my friends have approached me with ideas for things we can work on together, so I really cannot get board at the moment, and I am sure that I have so many ideas running through my head that I will certainly find that I will always fill my days and remain as busy in the future as I always have been, the real difference is that I am now doing it for pleasure.

The real thing about freedom is choice, the freedom to choose how you spend your days and the freedom to decide when you want to work or if you want to work. What I have done is chosen to do activities I enjoy and the allow me to receive money on virtual autopilot.

Enough for now, enjoy your day.

Monday 21 July 2008

Starting a new life

You know when I finally decided that it was time to start a new life and to let go of my business, it was not an easy choice to make.
Immediately I had a company in German suggest that I set up a new company doing what I had been doing before and that I could earn a lot of money. At first the money worries I had made me think "this is great, I know this business and I can sort out my finances" but then I realised I was taking the easy option and that this is not what I really want to do.

I want to enjoy my life and to be free. So I decided the truth of life is that, the easy option can often result in slavery to your past.
If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got!

BUT, to change my ditrection in life requires a leap of faith. Faith far beyond what I have had in the past. A belief in the unseen that I have never had before, and a belief in myself that I lost when I got divorced. I knew it was time to start a new life.

So I set my life on a new course, one that has lead me to a new way of thinking and one that has allowed me to find a level of peace and freedom I never new before.
I found a system that has allowed this freedom to create a life that I could not imaging a few years ago. I am very grateful to being introduced to http://www.itis2easy.com/

Thank you Graeme.