Saturday, 17 October 2009

The Ultimate Success System

About 5 years ago I went on 3 different time management workshops, all of which recommended completely different methods of “managing time”. Each had some good point and each had bits missing. I also reviewed a number of goal setting books and workshops I had been on, again they were all similar, but also each had bits missing.

As I studied these systems and read loads of book I realised that the bits that were missing in each of the systems were different. Also several of them had parts to the plan that we completely unnecessary.

This kind of explained to me why I had failed to achieve so many of the goals I had set over the previous years. I knew in that moment that I had all the knowledge I needed to set goals and achieve them, just that it was spread across multiple sources.

I then set about distilling down the best information and creating a system that would ensure that the goals are achieve.

It worked! I started achieving every goal I set, I decided on the goal, broke it down and then planned my activities to ensure the goal could only succeed and be realised.

I then set goals I thought would be the right goals to set and sure enough I got them every time. Then I started to understand a saying I had heard so many times: “I climbed the ladder of success only to find it was leaning against the wrong wall.”

Something had to change, I was “Successful” and yet I was unhappy. Then I was sent a goal setting process that changed the way I looked at my life and the goals I had been setting and realised that happiness is something that must come into every goal setting exercise, without it you are achieving things but slowly dying inside.

Then I created a new goal setting system that included all aspects of my life, not just work and the traditional ideas of “Success”. I also included the concept of happy outcomes instead of goals, with the most important emphasis on the question why?

Now the entire process is complete and the happy outcomes are so amazing that you cannot fail to realise your dreams.

Take a look at this outstanding system and make your life one of true success instead of frustration.

Definitely a system worth trying