Tuesday, 6 January 2009

2009 could be the best year for you.... Debt Free

Do you know someone who is struggling with debt? Maybe yourself? Working long hours just to keep your head above water? Then you are not alone!

Did you know that January is the busiest time of year for people seeking solutions for debt problems? Unfortunately many seek help such as Bankruptcy, IVA, Debt Management, Debt Consolidation. This is because most people do not know that the majority of unsecured, personal debts are not valid and do not need to be repaid…. And of course the banks don’t want you to know it.

"Failure by a lender to observe strictly, the intricate requirements of the Act can lead to a loan being completely unenforceable with no right of restitution or other form of relief" - Lord Justice Clarke, 2002

You may have started to notice an increase in the number of companies around offering solutions to debt, and an increase in the amount of advertising by banks and loans companies trying to sell new debts.

Lenders over the past few years have increasingly been offering secured consolidation loans for unsecured debts, shifting debts from unenforceable agreements like credit cards into what the lenders believe to be more secure enforceable loans. Do not risk losing your home because you have not been able to repay your unsecured credit debts.

It is a sad fact that debt is an increasing problem, one that is destroying the lives of more and more people. This year it is expected that more people will be forced into personal bankruptcy than ever before, averaging over 300 people every day!

The simple truth is that for many of these people, bankruptcy, IVA, Debt Consolidation or Debt Management, are not needed because the alleged debts they are suffering under do not actually exist. Sounds amazing doesn’t it, but it’s true.

Whilst navigating the legalities of these alleged agreements is a specialist task, once the banks know that the irregularities have been exposed they often simply write-off the debt there and then.

If you are wondering if your alleged debts or the alleged debts of someone you care about can be completely written-off, quickly, legally and ethically, check out the site at: http://www.IDeserveDebtFreedom.com/

We have recently added another video called Zeitgeist Addendum in the Information section, a video I would highly recommend that you watch.

To your freedom,

P.S. If you are looking for an additional income, maybe you could qualify as an agent, take a look at http://www.IDeserveMoneyNow.com

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