Tuesday, 2 September 2008

A life changing experience

In July I experienced a significant set back in my life, my business which I started 21 years ago, went bust. I had fought hard for about 8 months to save it, not taking a salary and trying to put together a rescue plan.
In the end the investment didn’t come through and the cash ran out, so the business had to close. I was so ashamed of this that I could not event tell my parents, brothers or children. I told only a few close friends and my ex-wife (I needed her to take my son for the summer to give me some space). During these 8 months I had been like a bear with a saw head and things were getting strained at home, so having the house to myself for the summer was a relief.
There I was in July, no income, no money in the bank, credit cards maxed out, the bank and mortgage companies breathing down my neck and no food. And I would not sign-on (English term for social security or government handouts).
At this point my girlfriend realised the situation I was in and gave me money for food and petrol so I could have my kids visit at weekends.
I felt like a complete failure at this point, I felt like I could not get any lower but I refused to give up and sign-on. I asked one of my friends for advice as I knew he had suffered a similar setback a couple of years ago, had refused to sign-on and had turned it around.
I had been focusing on “how can I fix these problems” instead of “what do I want and how does it feel to be in a place of success”
He gave me some very simple advice and introduced me to a method to generate money coming in within a few weeks.
He got me visualising every day, taking positive action in the direction of my goals every day, and never giving up. For weeks I worked about 15 hours a day, 6 days a week (my kids were there on Saturdays), learning about marketing the opportunity he had introduced me to, and simply not quitting!
Now only weeks later, life is completely different, I have money coming in, I am able to pay my mortgage and life is looking completely different.
For a few weeks I had experienced life with a feeling of despair and hopelessness, really not knowing what I could do, but at the same time having my friend simply saying just keep doing what you are doing it will be fine. Then one day I finally worked out how to make his opportunity work and within a week money started to come in. Now I am receiving as much as I did when I was successful as Managing Director of my old business.

Now however, that money is different, for the first time in my life I have a feeling of gratitude every time I open the refrigerator and see food in it, before that had always been a given. When I fill my car with petrol, I say thank you when I see the gauge read full. When I open my wallet and see money in it, I realise how truly rich I am and remember what it was like to have no money and no food. So now I am grateful every day.

The other amazing thing is that now that I have worked out how to succeed with this opportunity, I am only spend about 2-3 hours a day on it and I can do it from anywhere.
While all this was happening a couple of people I had worked with over the years heard that my business had gone and that I was not working and gave me a call. Both of them spent long hours on the phone and in person explaining how they had great businesses and wanted me to come on board and help them make a success of them. They sang my praises and told me how they had admired my abilities, passion and dynamism. Both of them also asked me to come on as a partner in their business, with shares and a very nice exit plan in 3 years.

Suddenly I realised that I had been sent these hard times to teach me four important lessons.
1. Learn to really appreciate the things you have and respect them as only being temporary. Because you can loose them at any time.
2. Realise that it is not the things in our lives that make us who we are, but the live within us that brings the things to us.
3. You do not need as much as you think you do, but that you can have far more than you can imagine: when you let go of fear.
4. In addition, I learned that there is more to my life than working in a business to become fabulously wealthy in the future. I now realise that I have the opportunity to spend time for myself, take time to decide what I really want to do and to do only that which brings me happiness.

So I told both of these people that I need time to let my life settle and to decide where I want to go in the future, and that they should call me back in a few months.

I really think it is time for me to pursue some of my childhood dreams, to try my hand at the things I let slip by when I was young. I want to travel and visit people I have not seen for a while, preferably in sunnier locations than England.

So if you are still reading, I am fine, life is good and the future is really bright. I love my life and I wouldn’t change a thing, I wouldn’t change the failure of my business, the hard times that followed, even the days when I was eating food that really should have been thrown away or when I visited friends to get a decent meal.

Life is for living, so relax and enjoy the ride, both the good times and the bad, they are sent to help you grow and become all that you can be. If I am not fully happy I always ask two questions: what do I think I need right now? and what lessons do I need to learn?
Often the thing I think I need isn’t the most important thing in my life really, and the lesson can often be to appreciate that which I already have and focus on the things I can do right now to take my life forward in happiness.

I have finally learned what an “attitude of gratitude” really is.

Love always,

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