Sunday, 28 December 2008

Eliminating debt in 2009! The fast easy way.

The Christmas turkey has all gone the last of the mince pies have been eaten and the bin is stuffed full of Christmas wrapping paper.

All the relatives have been visited and it is time to start thinking about 2009. In a few weeks those Credit card bills are going to hit the carpet and it is going to be time to start paying the devil his dues .... or is it?

It is a fact many people only pay the minimum payment on their credit cards each month. Most people have more than 1 credit card and in fact there are over 32.5million credit cards in issue in UK carrying over £56 Billions of debt with a total credit card limit of over £177 billion.

The most amazing part of all this is that most of this money does not legally have to be paid!

Now there aren’t many banks that want you to know that, in fact they are keen to try to keep it quiet. It has been known by a select few for several years now, and it is only very recently that the wider public are beginning to find out.

So, if you have any credit cards, store cards or personal unsecured loans that were started before 6th April 2007, then there is a very good chance that you do not have to pay them at all .... completely legally and ethically!

But - (I hear you ask) ....

o How can you find out for sure?
o How do you get the bank to admit that you don’t owe them any money?
o What are the legal reasons why this money is not legally owed by you?
o In what way did the bank get it wrong?
o Who’s money was it that you received anyway?
o Did the bank actually lend you any money at all?
o Did the bank alter your agreement after you signed it without your knowledge or consent?
o Does the bank actually owe you money instead of the other way around?

The answers to these questions, and many more, require specialist investigation, but the process of finding out does not take long and it does not require you to take any risks.

The truth about how the banking system really works is actually much stranger than you might think and it so amazing that it defies belief when you first find out.

Take a look at the information section at

Once you have taken a look you can always give me a call if you want to find out more on 0759 554 8271, or send me a message.

To your prosperity,
Chris Ball.

PS. If you are looking for an extra income and you want to help others to become free, maybe you could become an agent - take a look at:

Friday, 24 October 2008

Enjoying The Fruits of Freedom

Well, my cruise is coming to an end, we dock in Ft Lauderdale tomorrow morning. I have been to the Bahamas, Jamaica and Grand Cayman, all of which were great. I watched a carnival in The Bahamas, went swimming with dolphins and climbed a waterfall in Jamaica, and relaxed on a beach in Grand Cayman. The rest of the time I have been relaxing and pampering myself, eating food or enjoying the entertainment on board ship.
Just about everyone can enjoy an environment or calm relaxation with the choices of activities there are here. The great thing is that I am building many happy memories.

At the end of your life you will not remember everything in you have done, only the special moments and special events. Well I have been building some great memories.

My advice to you is simple, don't wait until you are too old to enjoy it, take the steps you need to build the memories and take the trips you want - NOW!

For as long as you let money be an obstacle instead of a tool to your enjoyment of life you can never truly be free. Remember there is more money in the world than you could ever imagine, and it is only a simple decision away from you, but you know that already.

Time cannot be reclaimed, opportunities once missed cannot be taken. And it is a good thing to wonder where you life is going and what your are aiming for.

I am committed to enjoying my life and make it an immensely happy and abundant one. No matter which opportunity you choose, make sure it is one that can take you where you want to go NOW, not years from now. I made that mistake for many years, I built a business, always saying that soon it will be right to reap the rewards and enjoy the fruits of my labours, but that day did not come.

In the end I closed my business in order to set myself free, what do you need to do to set yourself free?

life is truly wonderful, when you take the time to enjoy it. You already know the importance of financial freedom and at some level you are ready to take the steps necessary to set yourself free now.

I am really looking forward to getting home now, to see my children and my girlfriend. My energy is high and I have so much to tell them. I look forward to chatting with you again soon.

All the Best,

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Don’t crash and burn like I did! – Learn from my lessons!

In every recession and financial crisis there are those that succeed and those that are left by the side of the road. Throughout history it has been shown that times of change separate the winners from the losers, those who can adapt to change and those that are left behind. As you are reading this, you may be looking for more in your life; you may be looking for something new that will change your life for the better. And if so you will begin to understand that you are at a turning point in your life, a time when you are finally ready to make the changes you want. Those changes are to build a better life for you and for others.

In don’t know about you, but I’m sure that an extra £2,000 to £20,000 per month would make a real difference to most people’s lives, just as it has to mine. In fact my life has changed beyond measure since I learned a few simple techniques needed to make this happen.

There are a number of things I have learned over the years that have helped me to stay away from scams and systems that never work and instead to focus on the real opportunities that do work.

What I have learned that never worked for me:
o There are no real get rich quick schemes in this world – what ever you want to do you are going to have to give up something else to achieve it, whether that is time, money or a combination of both.
o 95% of the people that do MLM businesses can’t make a living from it – so I won’t spend my precious time on them, not just because they have not worked for me in the past but also because I only want to promote ideas that I can pass on to others and have them succeed.
o If a system is quoted as 100% automated then it will not work. This is because it will very quickly become over subscribed and therefore stop working and also, because the world is a constantly changing place, what worked yesterday will not necessarily work tomorrow.
o Much like the first lesson, I have learned that you can never get anything of real value for nothing. Life changing results need to have real input from you to achieve.

So with that in mind, what types of opportunities do work?

This is a very interesting question, and one that I have honed and refined over a number of years, so much so that it is now easy to know the answer to the becoming wealthy, whilst also enjoying a truly abundant life.

How would it be that you now also make the shift in your life that will allow you to enjoy real financial and lifestyle freedom too.

Allow me to share with you a few simple easy to duplicate ideas and distinctions that have allowed me to change my life. A life of where I was working 60 hours a week and just getting by to one where I now work less than a third of that time and am enjoying travelling the world and dedicating time to create magical moments with my family and friends.

o Always do work that will have a lasting change on your circumstances. What I mean by this is work that you do once and continue to benefit from into the future.
o Focus on positive cash-flow, not profits. The simple secret to wealth is to ensure that you have more real cash coming in than going out. I worked for years to build up an “asset” only to find that I could not sell it and it became a liability. Now I enjoy a positive cash-flow in my life.
o Make sure that you do not have to wait too long for the benefits to arrive. This is the biggest reason I do not do MLM and why 95% of people do not succeed in MLM. You have to work at it long enough to become one of the top 5% to make the real money.
o Chose the right team to work with. This is one of the most important aspect of any opportunity, if you are reliant solely by yourself then you are limited to what you can achieve, however the wrong team can be worse that no team at all, so choose a team that will support you and assist you in your success.
o Find a way to help others. Always remember that people part with their hard earned money for one reason and one reason only, because they will benefit from it. Even if that benefit is the simple pleasure of giving, so when someone has given to you, make sure you give in return and visa versa.
o Have a clear purpose. You must know what your outcome is for anything you do, this means that you know your reasons for doing something and you know what success looks like. When you want success you must know what it looks like, that is why you must have clear goals.
o Make sure the opportunity is one where you can talk to people that are successful in it and that they had success within the timeframe you are wanting for yourself.

I have been blessed with an opportunity that has allowed me to change the direction of my life completely, now it is your turn to take the actions you need to take to join me and the thousands of other across the world that have set themselves free.

Whichever opportunity you choose, make sure you fully trust the person you are introduced by and that they are part of a winning team.

Remember there is one golden rule with any change you want to make in you life – take ACTION NOW!

Chris Ball.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Surviving the Credit Crash

Benefiting from the Global Meltdown
I believe that events like the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the other major banking and insurance institutions are just the beginning. It is clear that the underlying confidence in the finance and banking system that is the cornerstone of a prosperous society has been deeply shaken and will take several years to fully recover.
The knock on effect of banks stopping lending is that many businesses have trouble managing the inevitable cash flow crisis. This means that they have to cut costs and in turn this results in a slowdown in the economy. As the economy slows, some businesses loose orders and then fail, resulting in a deepening of the slowdown.
As businesses start to fail, the banks then become more cautious and the situation just gets worse.

As a result of the credit crunch my business of 11 years when into liquidation in July and it had a major impact on me as I was left carrying the can for about half a million pounds of debt that I was responsible for.

Luckily I was introduced to an online opportunity that has allowed me to replace my income as the owner of an I.T. company and then some, but it will still take a long time to clear the backlog.

But I am not the only person to find themselves out of work with large amounts of debts to clear; there are thousands of people from all kinds of businesses that have suddenly experienced similar problems.

I am sure that online and work from home businesses and other opportunities will see a major increase in the coming months and will grow steadily for several years to come, because people no longer want their lives to be at the mercy of a boss or business that they have not control over. Increasingly people want to take control of there own lives and money, chart their own destiny and become truly free.

Now I have no one telling me what to do, I work or otherwise based on what I want to do. I no longer have to work to anyone’s time table but the one I set for myself.
Having spent the last 9 days in the South of France enjoying a relaxing time, I have had the ability to realise just how luck I really am now that my business is gone. I can now go away whenever I choose, I can work or not as I choose and yet money continues to come to me anyway.

Life really is wonderful

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Enjoying the sun and thinking of you.

Well I thought I would post a quick update of where I am and what I am up to.

I am in France right now on holiday enjoying the wonderful weather and food. The South of France is truly wonderful and it is very different from other European destinations.

Whilst it is cheaper to travel to countries like Spain, Italy, Greece and others, the unique nature of France makes it a special place to visit. Some say the French are rude and the service is bad, but I have found the opposite to be true, as I have been enjoying a wonderful reception from everyone I have met.

It is hard to describe the difference I feel from the desperate financial situation I was in just a couple of months ago; in fact you can read about that on my last blog post at I posted that article because so many people wanted to know my story and where I had come from.

Now my life is very different both financially and emotionally. This month alone I have received £4000 in less that 20 days and I have been away for a lot of it. So I am now so much calmer, more relaxed and positive about the future. It is my aim to increase the amount I receive to over £5000 per week by Christmas so watch this space as it is a goal that I know I can achieve (mainly because others have done it before me).

If you are the type of person that wants to change your life then I look forward to helping you become financially free very quickly.


Tuesday, 2 September 2008

A life changing experience

In July I experienced a significant set back in my life, my business which I started 21 years ago, went bust. I had fought hard for about 8 months to save it, not taking a salary and trying to put together a rescue plan.
In the end the investment didn’t come through and the cash ran out, so the business had to close. I was so ashamed of this that I could not event tell my parents, brothers or children. I told only a few close friends and my ex-wife (I needed her to take my son for the summer to give me some space). During these 8 months I had been like a bear with a saw head and things were getting strained at home, so having the house to myself for the summer was a relief.
There I was in July, no income, no money in the bank, credit cards maxed out, the bank and mortgage companies breathing down my neck and no food. And I would not sign-on (English term for social security or government handouts).
At this point my girlfriend realised the situation I was in and gave me money for food and petrol so I could have my kids visit at weekends.
I felt like a complete failure at this point, I felt like I could not get any lower but I refused to give up and sign-on. I asked one of my friends for advice as I knew he had suffered a similar setback a couple of years ago, had refused to sign-on and had turned it around.
I had been focusing on “how can I fix these problems” instead of “what do I want and how does it feel to be in a place of success”
He gave me some very simple advice and introduced me to a method to generate money coming in within a few weeks.
He got me visualising every day, taking positive action in the direction of my goals every day, and never giving up. For weeks I worked about 15 hours a day, 6 days a week (my kids were there on Saturdays), learning about marketing the opportunity he had introduced me to, and simply not quitting!
Now only weeks later, life is completely different, I have money coming in, I am able to pay my mortgage and life is looking completely different.
For a few weeks I had experienced life with a feeling of despair and hopelessness, really not knowing what I could do, but at the same time having my friend simply saying just keep doing what you are doing it will be fine. Then one day I finally worked out how to make his opportunity work and within a week money started to come in. Now I am receiving as much as I did when I was successful as Managing Director of my old business.

Now however, that money is different, for the first time in my life I have a feeling of gratitude every time I open the refrigerator and see food in it, before that had always been a given. When I fill my car with petrol, I say thank you when I see the gauge read full. When I open my wallet and see money in it, I realise how truly rich I am and remember what it was like to have no money and no food. So now I am grateful every day.

The other amazing thing is that now that I have worked out how to succeed with this opportunity, I am only spend about 2-3 hours a day on it and I can do it from anywhere.
While all this was happening a couple of people I had worked with over the years heard that my business had gone and that I was not working and gave me a call. Both of them spent long hours on the phone and in person explaining how they had great businesses and wanted me to come on board and help them make a success of them. They sang my praises and told me how they had admired my abilities, passion and dynamism. Both of them also asked me to come on as a partner in their business, with shares and a very nice exit plan in 3 years.

Suddenly I realised that I had been sent these hard times to teach me four important lessons.
1. Learn to really appreciate the things you have and respect them as only being temporary. Because you can loose them at any time.
2. Realise that it is not the things in our lives that make us who we are, but the live within us that brings the things to us.
3. You do not need as much as you think you do, but that you can have far more than you can imagine: when you let go of fear.
4. In addition, I learned that there is more to my life than working in a business to become fabulously wealthy in the future. I now realise that I have the opportunity to spend time for myself, take time to decide what I really want to do and to do only that which brings me happiness.

So I told both of these people that I need time to let my life settle and to decide where I want to go in the future, and that they should call me back in a few months.

I really think it is time for me to pursue some of my childhood dreams, to try my hand at the things I let slip by when I was young. I want to travel and visit people I have not seen for a while, preferably in sunnier locations than England.

So if you are still reading, I am fine, life is good and the future is really bright. I love my life and I wouldn’t change a thing, I wouldn’t change the failure of my business, the hard times that followed, even the days when I was eating food that really should have been thrown away or when I visited friends to get a decent meal.

Life is for living, so relax and enjoy the ride, both the good times and the bad, they are sent to help you grow and become all that you can be. If I am not fully happy I always ask two questions: what do I think I need right now? and what lessons do I need to learn?
Often the thing I think I need isn’t the most important thing in my life really, and the lesson can often be to appreciate that which I already have and focus on the things I can do right now to take my life forward in happiness.

I have finally learned what an “attitude of gratitude” really is.

Love always,

Thursday, 21 August 2008

How will the credit crunch affect you?

As you know the global recession due to the credit crunch is now starting to tell. Lead by the USA, Europe has now started to follow and the Asia/Pacific region is following.

With credit harder to get, mortgages becoming an ordeal and banks running scared of lending to industry, jobs are starting to go and the knock on effect is more bad debt, pain and misery. This means that consumers are starting to cut spending which is impacting the exports of manufacturing nations such as Korea, India, China and others.

This is the perfect recipe for a global recession the like of which has not been seen for over 70 years.

But there are areas of the global economy that really are booming, allowing many people to change their lives and set themselves free from the stress of trying to keep a job (an acronym for Just Over Broke).

Which sector is growing and expanding despite the economic blues? – The home opportunity sector.

Why is that?

More and more people and turning to home based opportunities to provide them with a safety net in the event that their J-O-B goes the way of so many others.

The government has been tireless in their desire to get more and more people to work from home in order to help meet their environmental targets, while also encouraging mothers to stay home and care for their children.

Numerous studies have shown that the social and emotional development of children benefits from mothers looking after children in the home for the first few years of their lives. BUT! Only if this does not add to the stress of the family through financial worries.

So when we look at the economy, the environment and the family, staying home is a benefit to all, but all too often the options for receiving a life changing amount of money are limited.

However, when you factor in the cost of child care, travel, work clothes etc, often the actual cost of going out of the home for work can be much higher than you think.

When I quit working recently, I was amazed at the real cash savings I made straight away; so much so that those savings alone are enough for me and my family to go out for a very nice night out on a regular basis.

Of course this opportunity has also allowed me to receive enough money to replace what I was earning and the Managing Director of a successful Computer company, but without the stress.

This opportunity has really changed my life and the lives of thousands of people from all walks of life, allowing ordinary people to lead extraordinary lives.

Take a look at the video on the second page, it cost nothing to find out about this opportunity, but it really could change your life for ever.

To your success

P.S. I really do not miss going out to work every day, all I do now is coach other people to do the same I am, and I love it.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

I like staying home

When you have a system that allows you to genuinely stay home and not have to work, it is really great!
All I do now is stay home and coach other people to allow them to do the same! Isn't that so wonderful. I have been home now for a few weeks and I have found that if I just keep contacting friends and say busy the time just flies by, while I just have fun.
I love it.

I want to create another video but Hilal has borrowed my DVD camera and left it at her place in London.

So you will just have to wait.
If you want to stay home find out how at:

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Making a Life - the final cut


So I spent a little longer to get the video finished, which is because I really wanted to make it a live action video instead of a screen capture video.

I have nothing against screen capture videos, I have seen some really great ones, I just thought it would give me a real challenge to create and edit a live action video using my DVD camcorder.

I have learned a great deal about the whole process of creating a video and I now know that I really enjoy it! It is so much fun.

I would love it if you would check out the final version and let me know what you think.

Now, making the video is only the first part of the process, but it is important to make sure it is watch-able, so I sent the first version to a number of close friends and asked for feedback.

This was a good move because the feedback really helped and I re-edited the video and ended up cutting about 3 minutes from it.

The idea is to promote my website so I have that link at the end of the video, but I did not want to plaster the link throughout otherwise people would have simply seen this as a promotional video.

The question I am asking myself is, whether the link should have been in the video as well as at the end, but time will tell on that one.

Also, I wanted the video to appear in as many places as possible, so I used TubeMogul ( to upload the video to multiple websites for me.

The next stage of the process is to create links to these videos from multiple sources and to create links from these videos to my website.

All the best,

P.S. The video is currently posted to:

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Making a Life

Once upon a time ….

…. I asked myself a question.

A question I did not like the answer to.

When life throws you a bum steer, what can seam like a disaster can end up in a better life. It is all about the decisions you make to take yourself forward.

I went through a very painful divorce and found myself a single parent, with no idea what I was supposed to be doing.

You see, I had done everything I thought a good husband and father was supposed to do, and I thought I had done a good job, but I still ended up divorced raising two kids alone. So I then found myself completely re-evaluating what I was doing and why I was doing it.

I knew I had to change my life to be a better father and to give my children the time they needed. It took me some time to really sort myself out, but in the end I found the way to be able to stay home and be there for my children when they really needed me.

That is what this video is all about.

How I came to the choice of staying home and using the power of the Internet to allow me to provide for my family.

Enjoy the video.

Thursday, 24 July 2008

The Daily Grind

So here I am enjoying the wonderful weather, not having to think about work any more. You know, after 21 years with the same company, staying home and not having to work any more is something I am really finding very strange.

It is s different to having to get out of bed in the morning and going to work, now I wake up when I feel like it and do as I please.

The amazing thing is that I am just as busy now as I was before, just now I am working on projects for fun instead of necessity. Several of my friends have approached me with ideas for things we can work on together, so I really cannot get board at the moment, and I am sure that I have so many ideas running through my head that I will certainly find that I will always fill my days and remain as busy in the future as I always have been, the real difference is that I am now doing it for pleasure.

The real thing about freedom is choice, the freedom to choose how you spend your days and the freedom to decide when you want to work or if you want to work. What I have done is chosen to do activities I enjoy and the allow me to receive money on virtual autopilot.

Enough for now, enjoy your day.

Monday, 21 July 2008

Starting a new life

You know when I finally decided that it was time to start a new life and to let go of my business, it was not an easy choice to make.
Immediately I had a company in German suggest that I set up a new company doing what I had been doing before and that I could earn a lot of money. At first the money worries I had made me think "this is great, I know this business and I can sort out my finances" but then I realised I was taking the easy option and that this is not what I really want to do.

I want to enjoy my life and to be free. So I decided the truth of life is that, the easy option can often result in slavery to your past.
If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got!

BUT, to change my ditrection in life requires a leap of faith. Faith far beyond what I have had in the past. A belief in the unseen that I have never had before, and a belief in myself that I lost when I got divorced. I knew it was time to start a new life.

So I set my life on a new course, one that has lead me to a new way of thinking and one that has allowed me to find a level of peace and freedom I never new before.
I found a system that has allowed this freedom to create a life that I could not imaging a few years ago. I am very grateful to being introduced to

Thank you Graeme.